AUDITORY TUBE /EUSTACHIAN TUBE Shape: Trumpet Length: 4 cm Connect : middle ear cavity with nasopharynx BONY PART Length: 12 mm Situation: Petrous temporal Form: posterior and lateral one third RELATION: Superior- Tensor tympani Medial- Carotid canal Lateral- Chorda tympani CARTLAGINOUS PART : Length-25 mm Situation-Sulcus tubae Form: anterior and medial two third RELATION: ANTERIOLATERALLY: Mandibular nerve and its branches POSTEROMEDIALLY : Petrous temporal ARTERIAL SUPPLY: Ascending pharyngeal ,middle meningeal artery NERVE SUPPLY: Maxillary nerve Mandibular nerve- cartilaginous part Pharyngeal -bony part FUNCTION: Communicate middle ear cavity to external : equal air pressure on both side of tympanic membrane Tube usually closed :opens during- swallowing, yawning APPLIED ANATOMY: Infection may pass from throat to middle ear Inflammation of tube ,second attack of common cold, sore throat .