
Showing posts with the label EASY NOTES

Do you want to how dentist corrects gap between teeth that's caused by frenal attachment then do check out this post (frenectomy) /dental notes

                             FRENECTOMY  STUDENTS CORNER :  This particular topic on frenectomy on exam point of view is a most possible 5 mark question so in order to achieve maximum possible marks we need to present this answer in an order ,Firstly begin by giving small introduction on what frenectomy is ,how is it different from frenotomy ,where frenectomy is performed followed by how its supposed to be performed apart from exams its definitely must know topic regarding case selection criteria which has a very vital role ,in clinical practice . INTRODUCTION: Frenum is a fold of mucous membrane that is enclosed with muscle fiber that attaches to lip and cheek at alveolar mucosa gingiva  If frenum to close to marginal gingiva ,it creates tension on frenum that pull gingival margin away from tooth ,conducive to plaque accumulation. FRENECTOMY: Complete removal of frenum including its attachment to ...

NECROSIS -pathology notes

  NECROSIS  DEFINITION: Its defined as the morphological changes taking place in a tissue after cell death due to degradative action f enzymes on irreversibly injured cell. TYPES OF NECROIS : A)CASEOUS NECROSIS B)LIQUEFACTIVE NECROSIS C)COAGULATIVE NECROSIS D)FIBRINIOD NECROSIS E)FAT NECROSIS F)GANGEROUS NECROSIS CYTOPLASMIC CHANGES : Increased eosinophilia of cytoplasm  Vacuolation and moth eaten appearance of cytoplasm  Calcification of cell membrane and intracellular structures  Formation of myelin figures  NUCLEAR CHANGES : KARYOLYSIS : Fading of basophilia of nucleus PYKNOSIS: Nuclear shrinkage due to condensation of chromatin  KARYORRHEXIS -Nuclear fragmentation  A)CASESOUS NECROSIS : Its seen in tuberculosis and occurs due to both enzymatic degradation of tissue and denaturation of cellular proteins  The tissue architecture is lost and replaced by soft ,creamy cheese like material  Microscopically ,there is amorphous granular debr...

Tarnish and Corrosion

  TARNISH AND CORROSION  TARNISH : S urface discoloration  on a metal /even slight loss of surface finish. CORROSION:  D eterioration of a metal by reacting with environment,water ,oxygen,chloride ion,sulfide contribute corrosion attack. CAUSES FOR TARNISH    : Pigment producing bacteria formation of hard ,soft deposit on surface of restoration (eg-calculus) formation of thin film oxide and sulphide. CLASSIFICATION OF CORROSION CHEMICAL/DRY :  In chemical type of corrosion metal reacts to form oxide,sulphide  in the absence of  electrolyte for an example : oxidation of alloy particle in amalgam. 2) Electrochemical /wet corrosion: In electrochemical type of corrosion there will be formation of free electron ,electrolyte that provide pathway for transport of electrons. types of  electrochemical corrosion : A) galvanic corrosion B) concentration cell corrosion and C) stress corrosion  A) Galvanic corrosion: ...


                          HEMOSTASIS         INTRODUCTION  Spontaneous arrest or prevention of bleeding from injured /damaged vessels by physiological process. STEPS IN HOMEOSTASIS : VASOCONSTRICTION FORMATION OF TEMPORARY HEMOSTATIC PLUG  FORMATION OF PERMANENT HEMOSTATIC PLUG              AIM OF THIS POST: Today we have started with learning on what hemostasis is then we moved in to steps in haemostasis. If you like this post , and  if you want me to upload on youtube do let us know   in the comment section below as it would help me create more such content . Contact details : Email: Instagram: Stencildent                                                  ...


                      ANSA CERVICALIS  Thin nerve loop lies embedded  in anterior wall of carotid sheath in lower part of larynx. It supplies infrahyoid muscle  hope this would have been useful  THANKS FOR WATCHING 


                DIGASTRIC TRIANGLE     INTRODUCTION  Its also know as submandibular triangle,paired triangle in anterior region of neck . NOTE: REFERENCES :B.D.CHAURASIA