
Smart Strategies to manage patient with dental anxiety -stencildent

HOW TO HANDLE PATIENT TANTRUM? MAGIC WORDS :  CALM APPROACH RESPECT UNDERSTAND APOLOGISE RESPOND Calm yourself Approach the patient Maintain eye contact Respect the patient   Understand the event that triggered the anger  Positive body language Apologise for the event that disgruntled the patient Respond with very short relevant  reason  End the conversation with a positive note. Now ,let us implement this in real time situation Imagine now you are wearing PPE suit and suddenly you hear ranting sound from the next patient appointed ,now you cant of course stop the treatment abruptly,yet have to handle the patient tantrum what will you do in this situation  ? I will calm myself down ,request assistance to try cooling the patient .Meanwhile ,I will use skill set and experience to provide effective treatment to the patient on chair in a short duration.After doffing PPE  suit will head towards the gruntled patient ,will request assistant to send of  the previous patient.Will try maintainin

Dental professionals: 4 soft skill you need -STENCILDENT

DEVELOPING SOFT SKILLS IN DENTAL PRACTISE MANAGEMENT  SOFT SKILLS? Self - promoted ,non-technical and very important views of that person Personal attribute that enhance an individual interaction,job performance and career prospect HOW DOES DEVELOPING SOFT SKILL HELP IN DENTAL PRACTISE? They help to organise ,pla,manage,and track changes during the course of growing dental practise Help practitioners to understand dynamic,social and complex context of practise. SOFT SKILL SET? Cluster of personality trait ,social grace,communication,language,personal habits ,friendliness and optimism that characterize relationship with the patient COMMUNICATION SKILL: First be a good listener ,a good listener will always be a good speaker Pace of communication should be adequately paced,give appropriate pause ,test the patient whether he understands what is being communicated Positive soft skill manner ORGANISATION SKILLS? Organise treatment plan with adequate patient appointments Organise both hard an

Definition and classification of liver cirrhosis-STENCILDENT

  CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER DEFINITION: Cirrhosis is defined as an irreversible chronic injury of the hepatic parenchyma and include extensive fibrosis in association with the formation of regenerative nodules TYPES OF CIRRHOSIS: 1)ALCOHOLIC CIRRHOSIS: Causes:  consumption of large quantity of alcohol Increased frequency of alcohol nutrient factors  Pathogenesis: Fatty change in the liver Steatohepatitis (  hepatitis with infiltration of liver cell+inflammatory cell) Mallory bodies Necrosis of liver cell,replacement by fibrosis Regenerative activity of hepatocyte ( fibrosis to micronodule formation) 2)POST -NECROTIC CIRRHOSIS: Characterised pathologically by : Extensive loss of liver cell, Collapse of reticulum network Thick connective tissue Etiology: Viral hepatitis Drug Toxin  3)BILIARY CIRRHOSIS: Intrahepatic /extrahepatic biliary system - prolonged obstruction,injury to liver cell,stasis of bile,dysfunction of liver cell leads to progressive fibrosis . They are two forms of biliary c

Congenital Heart Disease Classification,Mnemonic -General Medicine

  CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE Congenital heart disease are the abnormalities of heart and great vessel due to defective development in the prenatal period. CLASSIFICATION: CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE  A) ACYNOTIC  ACYNOTIC WITH LEFT TO RIGHT SHUNT C ommon complete atrioventricular canal V entricular septal defect A trial septal defect P atent ductus arteriosus ACYNOTIC WITHOUT SHUNT E ndocardial cushion defect P ulmonary stenosis A ortic stenosis C oarctation of aorta B) CYANOTIC P ersistent truncus arteriosus E bstein anomaly with right to left shunt T etralogy of fallot C ommon atrium SEQUENTIAL MNEMONIC: CH ennai Developers have 2 branches one in A dyar aand in C entral. Adyar has 2 sub branches ,1st branch requested applicant to upload CV in AP p ,enquire PA for confirmation in 2nd branch. C entral branch requirements: P revious experience E T C VISUAL MNEMONIC: NOTE: The use of same sequential and visual mnemonic in any other website or youtube channel is strictly prohibited,all right

Definition and Classification of Ulcer

                      ULCER DEFINITION :  An ulcer is a break in the continuity of covering epithelium ,either skin or mucous membrane due to molecular/cell death. PARTS OF ULCER: MARGIN  EDGE FLOOR BASE DIFFERENT EDGES: SLOPING EDGE- Red and seen in healing ulcer PUNCHED OUT EDGE- Seen in Syphilitic ,trophic ulcer UNDERMINED EDGE- Tuberculosis RAISED AND BEADED EDGE- Rodent ulcer EVERTED- Carcinomatous ulcer BEADED  CLASSIFICATION OF ULCER: C         U              P CLINICAL   ULCER   PATHOLOGICAL                            M                 N          S   MALIGNANT  NONSPECIFIC SPECIFIC        CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION:                      C ALLOUS ULCER                           S PREADING ULCER N ON -HEALING ULCER H EALING ULCER  PATHOLOGICAL  CLASSIFICATION: A)MALIGNANT ULCER: M ELANOTIC ULCER C ARCINOMATOUS ULCER R ODENT ULCER  B) NON -SPECIFIC ULCER A RTERIAL ULCER B AZIN ULCER C RYOPATHIC ULCER D IABETIC ULCER T RAUMATIC ULCER I NFECTIVE ULCER C ORTISOL ULCER V ENOUS ULCER 

Elisa-Principle,Types ,Immunology

  ELISA  Its simple ,nearly as sensitive as radioimmunoassay It has wide range of application Used for detection of specific antigen/antibody PRINCIPLE: Enzyme is used to detect antigen antibody reaction  Colour change is the indication for detection Its carried in polyvinyl plates ,polystyrene plate. TYPES 1) SANDWICH ELISA: In a microtitre plate ,wells are coated with specific antibody eg- e.coli -antigen test,specific antibody is placed. Specimen to be tested is added If the specimen contains suspected antigen (antigen-antibody reaction) to detect this reaction ,anti-serum conjugated with an enzyme is added it binds to antigen that's already attached to antibody Positive results : Enzyme+antiserum  act on substrate produce colour that's read by elisa reader. 2) INDIRECT ELISA: Microtitre plate wall coated with specific antigen that help in detection of antibody If positive antigen -antibody reaction occur  Substrate: antibody to antigen conjugated , enzyme is added Substrat

Definition and Classification of odontogenic cyst -Oral pathology

  ODONTOGENIC CYST OF THE ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL REGIONS DEFINITION OF CYST:( kramer in 1947) Pathological cavity having fluid,semifluid or gaseous contents and which is not created by the accumulation of pus ,Its frequently ,but not always lined by epithelium . True cyst : Is a cyst with epithelial lining Pseudocyst:Cyst without epithelial lining  CLASSIFICATION OF ODONTOGENIC CYSTS OF THE ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL REGION Shear in 2007 classified cyst of the oral and maxillofacial region as : A) CYST OF THE JAW:                                     CYST OF THE JAW EPITHELIUM LINED CYST           1) DEVELOPMENT ORIGIN        2 INFLAMMATORY  ORIGIN 1 A) ODONTOGENIC CYST B) NONODONTOGENIC CYST G ingival cyst of infant                 N asolabial cyst D entigerous cyst                        M idpalatal raphe cyst of infants  C alcifying odontogenic cyst L ateral periodontal cyst E ruption cyst G landular odontogenic cyst O dontogenic keratocyst 2) INFLAMMATORY ORIGIN P aradental cyst and juv